27 Luglio 2024

Said Shamirbaev

Uzbek painter's exhibitions in Hungary from 2006 to 2014
The painter, called also the Uzbek Gauguin, born in 1972 in Namanghan, Fergana Valley . He graduated in the Academy of Fine Arts in Tashkent in 1999 where he lives with his wife and two sons.

His warm and colorful paintings tell us the story of life in Uzbekistan, they bring near the everyday reality with symbols, simplified forms and context. He participated in international exhibitions and you can find his works in several countries: France, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Holland, Switzerland and the United States of America. He donated one of his paintings to the East Asian Museum Hopp Ferenc in Budapest.
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15-30.06.2006 first exibition in the Olajfa Gallery in Göd, Hungary
June, the 15th 2006 opened the first exhibition of the young uzbek painter in the Olajfa Gallery in Göd of Anikó M. Györffy. Maria Vollnhofer got acquainted with Said during her 5 years permanence in Uzbekistan and wanted to show in Hungary the simple and very rich reality of the people's life in a country which considers the Hungarians as far relatives. During the exposition a 3 day's conference took place with performances in music and folk songs, lectures, photos and movies treating the history of Hungarian's origin and their Central Asian roots.Professor István Erdélyi archaeologist and historian opened the exhibition together with Miklós Jaczkovits former Hungarian ambassador in Kazakhstan.
5-20.07.2006. second exhibition in Szentendre in the Speciar Gallery
The beautiful small town of Szentendre, close to Budapest, is a real city of arts and many artists live there. The director of the of Ferenczi Museum of Szentendre, Jenő Darkó opened the event. During the exhibition many tourists had the occasion to visit and appreciate the presentation of an exotic and faraway Country with a great and rich historic past.
26.3-6.4.2008 new exhibition in Hotel Hilton, Anna Szalóky Gallery Budapest
Two years later Maria Vollnhofer presented Said's new collection in Budapest, Szalóky Gallery, Hotel Hilton, a beautiful place on the Castlehill under the sponsorship of the Major of the city. The opening ceremony by István Erdélyi and Miklós Jaczkovits about the relationship and cultural exchange of the two countries terminated with Central Asian music and songs of Laura Faragó and David Kara Somfai with great success.

After the 6th of April a part of the collection came to the Art Gallery of the Hungarian TV Channel, DUNA for a month.
7.4-7.5.2008 exhibition in the Gallery of the Hungarian TV Channel DUNA
During this time the pictures of Said were shown in a popular tv program for a large public. Said got new important impressions, experiences as well as motivations for his artistic life.

16.9-14.10.2011 exhibition in the Vollnhofer ArtStudio, Budapest
Three years later Said came again to Hungary in order to show his new works. During the inauguration Mr János Sipos, musicologist, professor of the Ferenc Liszt Academy, gave an interesting conference about the Eastern relations concerning the Hungarian folk music.

Majda Maria Guessous folk singer tried to find the same roots in the Uzbek and Hungarian folk music and performed the songs together with Moroccan, Turkish examples.
17.9.2011. inauguration in Badacsony, Szeremley Residence, Hungary
At the same time a further exhibition started with Said's works in the Szeremley Residence, Badacsony. This event gave us the opportunity to hear important talks about the Eastern roots of Hungarians. Majda Maria Guessous with her husband David Boros Gerzson gave a beautiful performance of folk songs.
5-30.6.2014 exhibition in the VárMező Gallery Budapest
In the VárMező Gallery of the Hungarian Agricultural Library, Budapest a larger public could have had the possibility to feel the real atmosphere of a different way of life as well as a different cultural heritage. During the exhibition of Said's pictures it was possible to admire some nice Uzbek objetcts and folk art. In that time the artist was not present. Miklós Jaczkovits spoke abouth the cultural and social tendence of opening to East and underlined the importance of the event. You have the possibility to hear the musical performance on videos of Majda Maria Guessous and Dávid Boros Gerzson in the album.

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